ST-136 LNG Selvåg Senior
Purse Seiner / Pelagic Trawler ST-Design tag

Main characteristics

Purse Seiner / Pelagic Trawler for Sørheim Holding AS, Norway

  • Green Technology in system
  • Length over all:80.00 m
  • Breadth moulded16.20 m
  • Depth to main deck6.90 m
  • RSW tank capacity2626 m³
  • RSW cooling plant:3450 kW
  • LNG/Biogas tank capacity:350 m³
  • Main engine (dual fuel):4800 kW
  • Battery bank (ESS):1000 kWh
  • Side thrusters:1200 kW fore /950 kW aft

A Shipowner's statement

In this video the skipper/shipowner of Selvåg Senior, Mr Egil Sørheim explains how we jointly developed this state-of-the-art new vessel.

This video describes a new 80-meter combined Pelagic Trawler – Purse Seiner, built and delivered at the highest standards, full off green & cutting-edge technology.

Among measures on new inventions to meet reduced energy demand and reduced carbon emissions there are several:

  • Dual fuel solution. Capable of using Biogas (LNG) and Biofuel.
  • Recovery of the vessel’s excess energy:
    • Utilizing energy from heat (exhaust) to generate electric power.
    • Using LNG/Biogas, excess cold energy is being used to maintain low temperature in the (RSW) cargo tanks onboard.
  • A new developed electric platform:
    • DC-grid system allowing generators and drives to run stepless adjusted to the real energy demand.
    • A large battery bank and flexible power control system.

Hull and structural design inventions:

  • Emphasis on reduced hull resistance at economical speed.
  • Brand new LNG tank design, enhancing better volume utilization of the hull.
  • More optimal flow in the (RSW) fish tanks based upon support by Owners/NTNU/Sintef Research.

It goes without saying; Skipsteknisk is very honored and grateful to be again the selected designer of the new Selvåg Senior, succeeding the previous Selvåg Senior, delivered in 1999!